Friday, July 23, 2010

Leap into the void

Yves Klein was a neo-Dadaist. Or a modernist. A judo master. Quite possibly a huckster. But I love this photo called "Leap into the Void." You don't have to know anything about it, though the backstory  is interesting. Klein said this was proof he could fly and used the photo to mock NASA's space exploration. Klein claimed he knew how to fall from years of judo. The consensus is that he doctored the whole thing with some pre-Photoshop manipulation. None of that matters. This is art. This is metaphor. Klein is completely vulnerable and completely ecstatic. A combination we should experience for a few fleeting moments over a life well lived. It reminds me of a Hunter S. Thompson quote (which I can't find at the moment) when a man climbs a maze of ladders and finds his own private white space, blowing fuse after fuse, and eating them like popcorn on the way up.

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